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CRC Mile Dash

Dublin, OH 43016 US

Registration & Check-In

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

July 12, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Registration volunteer duties may include:
- Providing runners with their race numbers
- Helping register runners online
- Answering basic race-related questions

Basic change-making skills and attention to detail required. All Mile Dash volunteers will receive a free entry to a future CRC-owned event, details provided post-race.


Meet at CRC Dublin
6465 Perimeter Dr
Dublin, OH 43016

Finish line setup & teardown

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

July 12, 2025


Finish line setup & teardown volunteer duties may include:
- Assisting CRC staff in getting timing gear and finish line materials (inflatable arch, flags, etc) in place quickly

This position may require some light lifting up to 30 lbs. We have limited time before and after the race to prepare and break down this area: volunteers at this position should be ready to act quickly in both the setup and teardown portions of this process.

All Mile Dash volunteers will receive a free entry to a future CRC-owned event, details provided post-race.


Meet at CRC Dublin
6465 Perimeter Dr
Dublin, OH 43016

Finish line food

July 12, 2025


Finish line food volunteer duties may include:
- Food distribution - runners are provided with basic post-race food after they finish, we need help cutting and serving the goods!

This position may require some light lifting up to 30 lbs. You may get a bit wet if/when filling water cups, we suggest wearing older shoes that you don't mind getting damp.

All Mile Dash volunteers will receive a free entry to a future CRC-owned event, details provided post-race.


Meet at CRC Dublin
6465 Perimeter Dr
Dublin, OH 43016

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